Some sort of competition.. You participate, you play and you win.. If you win, you get to stay at Sunway Hotel and cash RM2k if I'm not mistaken == LOL.. I don't really know the rules and prizes..

My shirt and number!! 8!! Lucky number =) Haha..

Actually, my partner was Beng Hong, but i forgot to tell him some small details.. == So, he couldn't make it to the elimination round.. ( Beng Hong, paiseh!! ) Hence, i teamed up with Jay, two people in one group.. We were waiting for our turn for the first task.. Obstacles!! We passed the 1st round.. Hoorayy!! =D

On the second day, 9am sunday, we proceeded to the 2nd task.. SWT!! That was seriously a lame task..
Team VS team..
one person will represent the team to fight..
Each of them will holds a soft stick ( black colour ) and stands inside a square..
They will need to hit their opponent in order to score one point..
Whoever scores 5 points wins the game..
Two people from the team must play and if 1 lose, the other win..
They will play till the 3rd round..

These 2 girls were so serious ==

At around 12noon.. It started to rain.. == So, we went indoor to continue the game..
We won the 1st game and from top 60, we got into top 30!
Don't know whats wrong.. We lost to a couple.. ==
No more hotel and no more cash!! Sob sob T_T
But at least we got Sunway Lagoon ticket and a goody bag..
Anyway, this is one of the most unforgetable experiences i ever had..
I'm looking forward to this saturday for Sunway Lagoon trip..
Good luck and all the best to all the finalist =)
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