Yesterday was awesome and splendid.. Woshh!! So happy to be in such event.. Maybe it's because i have never been to such events before == That's why i'm so excited.. Haha..

This is my class - PM14.. Can you see me?? I'm there!! THERE!! >>

Why suddenly 2 guys pop out of nowhere.. ==

Why suddenly 2 guys pop out of nowhere.. ==

Early in the morning, we gathered in BIO lab.. Discussing and taking photo.. Jay was one of the PROMOTER!! Wearing that signboard.. He looks funny with that =P

Beng Hong.. Our 2nd promoter.. Haha.. He was forced to wear == Pitiful guy..

Setting up our booth..

Besides games, we also sell balloons.. These balloons are so cute!! RM5 each.. LOL..

Our game.. Balloon step balloon.. Step on someone's balloon while protecting your balloon.. Last man standing with his/her balloon unburst win the game..


LOL.. She was the champion for the game.. She won a huge hamper as well as a Haagen Daz ice cream voucher =) That was an attractive prizes!!

Wow.. That's lot of people..

From left, Dev, K, Me!! and Vee!! Hehe.. Gosh!! He was hugging me ><

For the ice-cream voucher, i took part in the balloon game.. Ah!! I lose in the end.. LOL!! Ssd T_T

This was the entrance for Vampire Den, from PM13.. Sounds interesting.. But when you go inside.. It was so so so LAME!! It's more to a maze room than a vampire den.. I don't see any vampire moving around.. They was just standing at a spot holding a torchlight.. I even ask them which way to go.. LOL!!!

I think that was the most popular game in this event.. Throw ball and hit the red target.. And the guy sitting there will fall xD That was a lecturer from ICPU.. =)

He was waiting to get wet =P

That was really a cool refreshment!! xD

Even the security guards wants to play!! LOL..

At the end of the day, it was so tiring..
So I bought Baskin Robbins ice cream to pamper myself.. Haha..
Unfortunately, the event ended at 1pm..
And we have Chemistry lesson right after that..
That was a disaster!!!!!!!!
I did enjoy the whole event =)
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